Free Personality Test

It usually takes about 10-30 minutes to complete the inventory itself (100 questions) plus some additional research questions and some (optional) demographic questions (e.g., age, sex, geographical region, education, etc.).

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HER Personality Test

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1 / 200

1. People sometimes tell me that I am too critical of others.

2 / 200

2. I have often solved problems by using new ideas that other people had not imagined.

3 / 200

3. I know the capital cities of many countries.

4 / 200

4. On most days, I feel cheerful and optimistic.

5 / 200

5. I feel like crying when I see other people crying.

6 / 200

6. I think that most people dislike me.

7 / 200

7. I am usually quite flexible in my opinions when people disagree with me.

8 / 200

8. I feel confident when leading a group of people.

9 / 200

9. I don't see anything wrong with using flattery to get ahead in life.

10 / 200

10. I often achieve things by trying harder than other people do.

11 / 200

11. I rarely hold a grudge, even against people who have badly wronged me.

12 / 200

12. I am an ordinary person who is no better than others.

13 / 200

13. I prefer to do whatever comes to mind, rather than stick to a plan.

14 / 200

14. Sometimes I like to just watch the wind as it blows through the trees.

15 / 200

15. Having a lot of money is not especially important to me.

16 / 200

16. I prefer doing things the way I've always done them, rather than waste time looking for a new way.

17 / 200

17. When I have a problem, I like to get advice from others.

18 / 200

18. If there is some chance of improving my social status, I take big risks.

19 / 200

19. People sometimes say that I'm a person who "wouldn't hurt a fly".

20 / 200

20. I find TV nature programs to be very boring.

21 / 200

21. Even when people make a lot of mistakes, I rarely say anything negative.

22 / 200

22. Some people have complained that I always want to have things my own way.

23 / 200

23. I always try to be accurate in my work, even at the expense of time.

24 / 200

24. I like people who have unconventional views.

25 / 200

25. Having a high level of social status is not very important to me.

26 / 200

26. Without the emotional support of other people, I sometimes feel helpless.

27 / 200

27. When I know what I want, I won't agree to anything less.

28 / 200

28. If I want something from someone, I will laugh at that person's worst jokes.

29 / 200

29. I tend to appreciate the beauty of nature more than most people do.

30 / 200

30. I have sympathy for people who are less fortunate than I am.

31 / 200

31. I am a gentle and mild person.

32 / 200

32. I make decisions based on the feeling of the moment rather than on careful thought.

33 / 200

33. I would like a job that requires following a routine rather than being creative.

34 / 200

34. People see me as a hard-hearted person.

35 / 200

35. If I knew that I could never get caught, I would be willing to steal a million dollars.

36 / 200

36. I enjoy chatting with people, even when there's nothing important to discuss.

37 / 200

37. I find it boring to discuss philosophy.

38 / 200

38. I would never accept a bribe, even if it were very large.

39 / 200

39. Most people are more upbeat and dynamic than I generally am.

40 / 200

40. I don't understand why some people get so emotional at weddings.

41 / 200

41. People can approach me without having to worry about the mood I’m in.

42 / 200

42. I can forgive things that would cause most people to remain bitter for a long time.

43 / 200

43. When someone I know well is unhappy, I can almost feel that person's pain myself.

44 / 200

44. I can get a bit defensive when people try to change my mind about an issue.

45 / 200

45. I prefer to have high-status, successful people as my friends.

46 / 200

46. I don’t allow my impulses to govern my behavior.

47 / 200

47. I rely a great deal on other people when I feel depressed.

48 / 200

48. I wouldn't feel bad about deceiving people who allow themselves to be deceived.

49 / 200

49. I would get a lot of pleasure from owning expensive luxury goods.

50 / 200

50. I would avoid any sport that involves a high risk of physical injury.

51 / 200

51. I want people to know that I am an important person of high status.

52 / 200

52. I think carefully before doing anything that might be unsafe or unhealthy.

53 / 200

53. I am energetic nearly all the time.

54 / 200

54. I rarely express my opinions in group meetings.

55 / 200

55. People sometimes tell me that I'm too stubborn.

56 / 200

56. The first thing that I always do in a new place is to make friends.

57 / 200

57. I can get along with someone even if that person has betrayed my trust.

58 / 200

58. I think that most people prefer not to talk to me

59 / 200

59. When I suffer from a painful experience, I need someone to make me feel comfortable.

60 / 200

60. In a large group discussion, I would only make comments if someone asked me directly.

61 / 200

61. People have described me as a very lively or spirited person.

62 / 200

62. It doesn’t take much to make me angry.

63 / 200

63. I remain unemotional even in situations where most people get very sentimental.

64 / 200

64. I would like to know how to smuggle things across the border.

65 / 200

65. I try to respect other people’s feelings.

66 / 200

66. I rarely feel much enthusiasm about things.

67 / 200

67. I often find myself lying awake in bed and worrying about something.

68 / 200

68. I would feel very badly if I were to hurt someone.

69 / 200

69. I enjoy flirting.

70 / 200

70. Sometimes I do things on impulse that turn out later to be unwise.

71 / 200

71. I do only the minimum amount of work needed to get by.

72 / 200

72. I tend to be lenient in judging other people.

73 / 200

73. I think of myself as a somewhat eccentric person.

74 / 200

74. I usually stop myself before doing anything that I might later regret.

75 / 200

75. I could let my room get very messy before I would clean it.

76 / 200

76. I would still pay my taxes even if I would not get caught for avoiding them.

77 / 200

77. I like hearing about opinions that are very different from those of most people.

78 / 200

78. If I want something from someone, I ask for it directly, instead of manipulating them into giving it.

79 / 200

79. I often get people to do favors for me by making them feel that they owe me.

80 / 200

80. Often when I set a goal, I end up quitting without having reached it.

81 / 200

81. I find it hard to keep my temper when people insult me.

82 / 200

82. I am not good at getting my files or desk drawers organized.

83 / 200

83. I don't really enjoy looking at sculptures.

84 / 200

84. I would be tempted to buy stolen property if I were financially tight.

85 / 200

85. I tend to feel quite self-conscious when speaking in front of a group of people.

86 / 200

86. Most people would consider some of my beliefs to be quite strange.

87 / 200

87. I avoid making "small talk" with people.

88 / 200

88. I tend to be judgmental of people who do stupid things.

89 / 200

89. When people tell me that I’m wrong, my first reaction is to argue with them.

90 / 200

90. I rarely, if ever, have trouble sleeping due to stress or Emotionality.

91 / 200

91. I make a lot of mistakes because I don't think before I act.

92 / 200

92. I rarely, if ever, make critical remarks about others.

93 / 200

93. Most people tend to get angry more quickly than I do.

94 / 200

94. I feel strong emotions when someone close to me is going away for a long time.

95 / 200

95. I can still be friends with someone who has treated me badly in the past.

96 / 200

96. People think of me as someone who has a quick temper.

97 / 200

97. People sometimes call me a "workaholic".

98 / 200

98. I would like to visit the ruins of ancient civilizations.

99 / 200

99. I rarely feel anger, even when people treat me quite badly.

100 / 200

100. People often joke with me about the messiness of my room or desk.

101 / 200

101. Whenever I feel worried about something, I want to share my concern with another person.

102 / 200

102. I'm interested in learning about the history and politics of other countries.

103 / 200

103. I think that most people like some aspects of my personality.

104 / 200

104. I can spend a long time studying a painting that I like.

105 / 200

105. I deserve more influence and authority than most other people do.

106 / 200

106. I would be very bored by a book about the history of science and technology.

107 / 200

107. I tend to remain calm even when other people get stressed out.

108 / 200

108. People say that I am a fearless person.

109 / 200

109. I generally accept people’s faults without complaining about them.

110 / 200

110. I am special and superior in many ways.

111 / 200

111. I often cooperate with other people even when I don't really agree with them.

112 / 200

112. I wouldn't cheat a person even if he or she was a real "sucker".

113 / 200

113. I think that I am entitled to more respect than the average person is.

114 / 200

114. If I were a parent, I would probably tend to worry a lot about my children.

115 / 200

115. People sometimes say that I am not sensitive to others' feelings.

116 / 200

116. I tend to procrastinate a lot before really getting to work on a project.

117 / 200

117. If I had the opportunity, I would like to attend a classical music concert.

118 / 200

118. Sometimes I feel nervous without really knowing why.

119 / 200

119. I would enjoy being a member of a fancy, high-class casino.

120 / 200

120. I am a soft-hearted person.

121 / 200

121. I react very angrily if I find that someone is trying to cheat me.

122 / 200

122. I find it hard to fully forgive someone who has done something mean to me.

123 / 200

123. I would enjoy creating a work of art, such as a novel, a song, or a painting.

124 / 200

124. Some people would say that I have an over-inflated ego.

125 / 200

125. I wouldn't spend my time reading a book of poetry.

126 / 200

126. I can "tough it out" on my own through any kind of personal hardship.

127 / 200

127. Even when writing a personal letter, I read it over to make sure there are no errors.

128 / 200

128. I plan ahead and organize things, to avoid scrambling at the last minute.

129 / 200

129. I sometimes try to make people feel guilty so that they will do what I want.

130 / 200

130. I feel that I am an unpopular person.

131 / 200

131. I would feel afraid if I had to travel in bad weather conditions.

132 / 200

132. I prefer jobs that involve active social interaction to those that involve working alone.

133 / 200

133. I’d be tempted to use counterfeit money if I were sure I could get away with it.

134 / 200

134. I can handle embarrassing social situations better than most people can.

135 / 200

135. Sometimes I feel that laws should not apply to someone like me.

136 / 200

136. When calculating numbers, I check carefully to make sure there are no mistakes.

137 / 200

137. In social situations, I'm usually the one who makes the first move.

138 / 200

138. People have often told me that I have a good imagination.

139 / 200

139. I don't like to spend time perfecting work that is already good enough.

140 / 200

140. I tend to have less energy than most other people do.

141 / 200

141. When working, I sometimes have difficulties due to being disorganized.

142 / 200

142. I’ve never really enjoyed looking through an encyclopedia.

143 / 200

143. I find it hard to compromise with people when I really think I’m right.

144 / 200

144. I would like the job of drawing a comic strip or an editorial cartoon.

145 / 200

145. I don't mind if my writing has some errors in spelling or punctuation.

146 / 200

146. People often tell me that I should try to cheer up.

147 / 200

147. I would like to live in a very expensive, high-class neighborhood.

148 / 200

148. My attitude toward people who have treated me badly is "forgive and forget".

149 / 200

149. When someone close to me is concerned about something, I feel concerned too.

150 / 200

150. I enjoy looking at maps of different places.

151 / 200

151. People say that I am good at controlling my impulses.

152 / 200

152. Where physical pain is involved, I’m a very tough person.

153 / 200

153. I sometimes get quite sentimental when thinking about people and places I used to know.

154 / 200

154. I get very anxious when waiting to hear about an important decision.

155 / 200

155. When working on something, I don't pay much attention to small details.

156 / 200

156. I like to keep up with news about scientific discoveries.

157 / 200

157. I sometimes think that I am pretty useless.

158 / 200

158. I don’t mind doing jobs that involve dangerous work.

159 / 200

159. I can handle difficult situations without needing emotional support from anyone else.

160 / 200

160. I often check my work over repeatedly to find any mistakes.

161 / 200

161. If I want something from a person I dislike, I will act very nicely toward that person in order to get it.

162 / 200

162. I would be quite bored by a visit to an art gallery.

163 / 200

163. If someone who has been unkind to me starts being nice, I remain suspicious of that person for a long time.

164 / 200

164. Attending a play is not something that I would enjoy.

165 / 200

165. I worry a lot less than most people do.

166 / 200

166. I like the idea that only the strong should survive.

167 / 200

167. I wouldn't pretend to like someone just to get that person to do favors for me.

168 / 200

168. I think I could develop some good ideas for television commercials.

169 / 200

169. I would avoid hanging around with people who have unusual opinions.

170 / 200

170. It wouldn’t bother me to harm someone I didn’t like.

171 / 200

171. I feel reasonably satisfied with myself overall.

172 / 200

172. When it comes to physical danger, I am very fearful.

173 / 200

173. When working, I often set ambitious goals for myself.

174 / 200

174. I clean my office or home quite frequently.

175 / 200

175. I don’t especially enjoy going to parties.

176 / 200

176. I would like to be seen driving around in a very expensive car.

177 / 200

177. I tend to look on the bright side of a situation more than other people do.

178 / 200

178. When I'm in a group of people, I'm often the one who speaks on behalf of the group.

179 / 200

179. I rarely discuss my problems with other people.

180 / 200

180. When I am finished using an object, I put it back in its place right away.

181 / 200

181. I enjoy having lots of people around to talk with.

182 / 200

182. I don't think of myself as the artistic or creative type.

183 / 200

183. When travelling, I prefer to sit by myself rather than with other people.

184 / 200

184. Even in an emergency I wouldn't feel like panicking.

185 / 200

185. If someone has cheated me once, I will always feel suspicious of that person.

186 / 200

186. I wouldn't use flattery to get a raise or promotion at work, even if I thought it would succeed.

187 / 200

187. I try to give generously to those in need.

188 / 200

188. I like to keep all my belongings stored in their proper place.

189 / 200

189. It doesn’t bother me to get some bumps and bruises

190 / 200

190. I think that paying attention to radical ideas is a waste of time.

191 / 200

191. Some people say that they have never seen me angry.

192 / 200

192. I tend to give up on a task if it seems very difficult.

193 / 200

193. I wouldn't use flattery to get a raise or promotion at work, even if I thought it would succeed.

194 / 200

194. I feel that I have some likable qualities.

195 / 200

195. People often call me a perfectionist.

196 / 200

196. I sometimes feel that I am a worthless person.

197 / 200

197. I sometimes can't help worrying about little things.

198 / 200

198. I often push myself very hard when trying to achieve a goal.

199 / 200

199. I feel comfortable when introducing myself to strangers.

200 / 200

200. People sometimes describe me as unconventional.


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